Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hi there people. My apologies for the absence. In the past month, I’ve graded 150 papers, written one of my own, and last Friday we moved. Not to mention a fire in the new house the day before it was supposed to close. It’s been a total pain in the ass, and I’ve been very crabby. In the whirlwind of work and moving, taking time out to bitch about world issues was not an option. Fortunately, things are finally starting to slow down and very soon my regular rantings will resume.

In the midst of all this, I nearly forgot that I’m turning 31 in a few days. Which sounds old, but if you knew me, you’d know that someone as irresponsible and immature as me certainly doesn’t act the part. In celebration of not acting one’s age and in the spirit of free time to come, I leave you with this. Make sure you’ve got the volume up, and enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is that strange bouy type thing bobbing up and down in the water? Nice Biyatch.

08 May, 2006  
Blogger Ivan Davidson Kalmar said...

Very nice ... but not almost like being there.

11 May, 2006  

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