KFC's newest delicacy
Famous for what? Being totally disgusting and a sign of everything that's wrong with North American culture? It's a bowl filled with layers of mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, popcorn chicken, then cheese. I'm neither an epicurean nor a health nut, but really, this is just plain nasty.
Apparently, the strategic plan for this new product line of "meals-in-a- bowl" includes plans for an upcoming pre-chewed regurgitated option.
I'm gald to know that someone other than me felt as if that is the MOST disgusting thing ever invented.
All of our eating habits are going to put us in our graves sooner than we want to.
I'll bet money that if the Colonel were still alive he would have no part of it.
To me it's lazy ass people, who've run out of things to do.
lovingly,Charlie Tee
Ooops, I mean Glad...
Actually though, gald might work too, it's that disgusting.
So now you're a food nazi? Granted, that may not be the most appetizing meal ever created, but somehow this is a comment about America? Being the world traveler that you are, you must have seen some pretty disgusting and fattening local delicacies around the world. Keep your indictments of western society in the political arena and stay outta my stomach!
Personally, I don't think that dish sounds so bad. In fact, just out of spite, I'm going to make a point of picking one up in the very near future. The last time I had KFC I was ill for several hours, but it sure tasted good going down! And spite is a hell of a reason to endure a nasty stomach ache.
And have you ever considered that obesity is just one more way that mother nature is thinning the herd?
Your anonymous cousin.
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